Sgt. Patrick Whelan Memorial Playground

Sgt. Patrick Whelan Memorial Playground is located on the property of St. Anne’s Academy in Dunville.  It was was officially opened on Saturday, November 27, 2010.

The playground was dedicated to the memory of local hero, Sgt. Patrick Whelan, a World War 1 casualty in the battle of Vimy Ridge during the First World War.

Sgt. Patrick Whelan, son of Thomas and Mary Whelan, of Jersey Side, Placentia, Newfoundland,  age 24, of the Alberta Regiment, was killed in action in the Battle of Vimy Ridge on April 25th, 1917.  His name is listed, among the 33 names on the Sacred Heart Cenotaph located in the Town Square.

This playground is well used throughout the school year by the students of the school.  During the summer, children from all communities take advantage of the space and fun equipment situated on the grounds.  The area also boasts an adjoining green space with picnic/learning tables, benches, and a mini field.

In the planning and building of this playground, “Let Them Be Kids” organization matched the raised finances 50%-50%, to ensure the success of this project.

A large parking lot is available located directly in front of the area.  No washrooms.

GPS Location:  47.270619; -53.898540